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Dementia training

Domestic abuse and the co-existence of dementia toolkit

Please find a link to the new toolkit from Dewis Choice - Domestic violence and abuse and the co-existence of dementia.

 The toolkit aims to address gaps in practitioners’ knowledge on the co-existence of domestic abuse and dementia.

Dementia reablement training resources

This resource pack is aimed at those working with people living with dementia in their own homes. This could be domiciliary care workers, health care assistants or allied health professionals, such as occupational therapists. They can be used individually or as training. The resources can be completed in their entirety or dipped in & out of to best meet your needs. These resources will help you meet the skilled level of the Good Work Learning and Development Framework.

People with dementia | Social Care Wales

DementiaUK video

DementiaUK video aimed at children and young people to help them understand what having dementia means.

The video has been created by Dementia UK and there are also other videos of interest on their website.